Tuesday, 6 October 2015

College Magazine Analysis

This college magazine uses five different colours and four different fonts which is about average. The magazine positively portrays a young, black student as a hard working, religious and well-educated man. This is shown by the books in his hand and the cross he is wearing. The book is called “Law, Business and Society”. These are all quite strenuous, academic subjects which require a lot of work and effort.  This is a complete contrast from the negative way that young, black men are often portrayed as in the media. The cover lines show it is a college magazine with articles relating to college life and technology. The masthead is easy to recognise as it is very large and says “College Lifestyle”. This has the same design each issue so students who like it will find it easier in the shops. The dark background means that the green, white and pink stand out more. This helps it catch the eye of anybody browsing the shops. It has a very modern house style. This will attract the younger generation, who are the target audience of the magazine.

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